Sweet, Sweet Grace

The world says : We don’t deserve forgiveness

Jesus says: We are able to grasp onto the gift of grace and forgiveness of God no matter what we have done, said or thought in our past. We may feel guilty and undeserving but Jesus died for our sins and paid the ultimate price. There is nothing we can do to change that.

If you are riddled with shame then ask the Lord for forgiveness and walk out your life free of guilt, free of condemnation and free of obligatiion.

When we walk in the freedom that Jesus gives us we are free from the shackles of shame, temptation, sin and guilt.

We will still be sinners but we don’t have to be bound up in sin any longer. It will no longer rule our lives. We will no longer have shackles around our feet, creating drag and challenge in our every day life.

When we rid ourselves of sinful ways we can walk in what God has for us. A life full of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Colossians 3:12)

Full of Grace

When we live a life in the fullness of God’s grace, then even when we do mess up we can run to the Father for forgiveness and peace.

Let today be the day you turn to Jesus. Let him heal you and lead you to repentance and forgiveness and He will continue to forgive you all the days of your life.

This doesn’t give you a free pass to sin but changes your heart so that obedience to God’s way is the only way you desire to walk…living for Him becomes your ultimate destination.

You will live your best life with the grace of the Lord covering your every day!

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

Ephesians 2:8-9


*Pray and ask the Lord to reveal sin in your life. We often have hidden sin doing damage in our life that we aren’t aware of.

*Have you allowed the light of Christ to shine in your life?

*Do you have sin in your life that is keeping you in bondage? (lying, jealousy, rage, sexual sin, pride, etc. )The Lord can help you be set free by anything that has you in bondage. Just simply ask Him for help!


Settle into Surrender


I’m Tapped Out