God Will Equip You

It is always disheartening to feel as though I have reached a significant point in my journey only to ask “Now what, Lord?” God has put a desire in my heart that I I can not calm and that is writing for Him. I wrestle and fight, claw for direction or insight on how to go about this. But most often what God is trying to tell me is to listen and wait. Watch and wait. Do the next thing, and wait. Not think about the future, wait. Research, learn, write, pursue...wait, listen….follow. Work hard for him. Work hard even when I don't see the end result. I often feel that I am walking with blinders on but I trust who is leading me. God gave me the desire but it is up to me to put in the work.

“Walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

The road ahead is long, precarious and often we don't know the destination, but God does.

Today, the Lord blessed me with a theme. I heard this theme in a video devo, the radio, a friend’s post and an email devotional. The theme is that He will equip me even though I don't feel equipped or worthy of the calling on my life. I need to do the work and He will make the way. Take each day as it comes and He will lead and guide my steps if I plant my roots in His ways and in His truth. I am overwhelmed with all the roads I could vere of onto but He is quietly telling me that He will equip me. I feel dwarfed among all the other thousands of Christian writers but He is gently telling me that I do have a voice and He will help my voice reach who it is intended for. It may not be the masses, it may be one. It may be tomorrow, it may be years down the road.

So I want to encourage you today. If you have a desire, a calling, a plan, surrender it to the Lord. He will make it clear, and He WILL equip you, as I am trusting that the Lord will do for me.

I need only worry about right now. What I can do today and leave the big stuff to Him.

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
Philippians 2:13


I’m Tapped Out


I am with you, says the Lord