Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi, It’s me Heidi. 

You may have been following me for a while now but I wanted to give you a little more insight into who I am and why I do what I do. 

I am a Christian.

I trust Jesus with my life and desire to share it with the world. I believe that He is the prophesied King who died for our sins and who gives us the free gift of salvation. Not because of anything we have done but because God loves us.  I put God first before anything in my life. I believe that having a solid foundation in Christ gives me the basis for a healthy relationship with my husband, children and friends.

I am a Wife.

 My husband David is my person, going on 7.5 years.  We mesh perfectly, even amidst all the chaos of blended family life. We share a love of travel and have a strong heart for missions. We own our own carpentry business and love sharing David’s creativity with our community. 

I am a mother. 

I have four beautiful children. Three them I birthed and one is my bonus baby. My days are filled with all things mom keeping track of Emmy five, Harlo ten, Isaac fourteen and Jonah fifteen and all their wanderings and activities.  Although, sometimes I feel crushed, my heart is full and I would not have it any other way.

I am a sister, daughter and friend. 

Jesus said it well when he told us that we are better together. We are made for the community. I have my people and my people have me. 

I am a servant. 

My family and I attend a local Foursqure Church in Gig Harbor, WA. We are ingrained in the family atmosphere and spend our time serving and loving on other followers of Jesus. I was just recently named the Women's Ministry Director so I have the privilege of leading women and creating space for the fellowship and opportunities for service. 

I am a writer.

I obtained my degree in Creative Writing in 2021 and am currently working towards writing my first book. I have a blog where I regularly share stories, encouragements and what God has been doing in my life. My writings are aimed at mom life, faith, widows, grief and occasionally clean living. 

I am a health nut. 

I love all things green and healthy. I am not perfect, I have my vices (junior mints) but I feed my family based on wellness, healthy and organic ingredents and fresh, clean meats and dairy products. I aim to cook from scratch and give my family my best in the kitchen. To be real, we do have nights where we let the kids fend for themselves or an occasional night out but my goals are set high. I read every label and only buy organic. I love, love to support local farmers. I have a garden but it is not my strong suit. It is small and provides us with fresh produce in the summers. I also plant way too much zuccini but my neigbors love it. 

I am a widow. 

I lost my first husband to cancer in 2013. I miss him everyday. I was an only parent for 18 months before new life blossomed and my new family formed. I regularly write about grief and all the things that come with the messiness of losing a spouse.

My hope-

You can find a cozy place in my corner of the internet. 

You can find encouragement and enlightenment.

You visit often!




Easter Devotional


5 Reasons My Blog Exists