4 Simple Ways to Start Living Clean

What is all the fuss about cleaning living? Is it worth the extra time and money. I would whole heartedly say yes. I have heard it said that what we spend to rid our lives of unwanted chemicals, products and foods in our lives is only money we are not spending on medical bills later in life. Unfortunalty, a lot of the ingredients that food companies put in their products only benefit them in their marketing and sales but are detrimental to the human body.

Here are 4 simples things you can do to start living clean!

1: Read Lables

Everything you purchase from the grocery store has an ingredient list. Well, besides fresh fruits and vegetables. Most likely if it is in a box it will contain multiple ingredients. The rule of thumb that I live by is the less ingredients the better. If you are unable to pronounce the ingredient, that is probably not so good. There are many harmful additives, preservatives, artificial flavors and colors added to food products to make them more appealing to the buyer. These only serve to make the product look or taste more appealing without adding any health benefits whatsoever. It is probably doing the opposite by actually bringing harm to your body. 

Here are the top 5 ingredients to avoid:

Sodium Nitrates/nitrates

These are typically found in processed meats. 


This is not a food ingredient but it is used to line packaging and is linked to many health problems. 

Hydrogenated oils or Trans Fats

This is how manufactuers process oils to make them more shelf stable. It can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol. It is often in boxed foods and highly processed bakery items. 

Artificial colors and flavors

These are easy to spot as it will most often say it right on the label. If it doesnt  say it on the label, still scan the ingredient list to make sure. These are only added for flavor and color and are not created to be ingested. They can cause a variety of side effects in the body. 

Soybean, Vegetable and Corn oils

These are highly processed Omega 6 oils that can lead to heart disease and inflammation. They can be found in packaged food. 

Artificial Sweeteners 

Saccarin, sucralose and aspartame. Although they add a good sweetness they are not meant to be consumed and can cause a host of health issues such as diabetes, migrains and cancer. 

2: Clean your Cleaning Supplies

Nature has given us a beautiful variety of natural and highly effective ways to clean naturally. If you read the labels on your cleaning products they most like include very dangerous chemicals that can harm your body. We are not cleaning our homes when we use these products, we are only hurting ourselves. It may smell good but at what cost. 

Here are five simple ingredients that can boost your cleaning naturally:


Baking Soda

Essential Oils 


Hydrogen Peroxide

These can be used to clean anything in your home or used to create counter top cleaners, bathroom cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, etc. Add a little bit of your favorite essential oil and you have a beautiful, clean smell in your home. 

There are many companies out there that claim to sell clean products but do your research. The one that I have found that seems the most legitimate is Puracy. They sell clean products, they explain all the ingredients and the packing is minimal.

3-Only Eat Organic Produce and Meats

The food industry has destroyed the nutritional value of food. They spray the crops and plants to get rid of pests or disease however the chemical residue that is left on the produce is detrimental to our health. 

When we eat meat that is from animals that have lived in cramped and unsanitary conditions and the animals have been fed checmically processed feed it is leaking into what we absorb into our bodies when we eat it. 

2 Simple Steps

1-Only purchase organic and preferably local produce. Shop at farmers markets and ask the farmers how they treat the produce. Buying local cuts down on emissions from not exporting produce from far away places. 

2-Purchase meat from companies that humanely treat their animals. Read about how they are housed and fed. Learn how they are processed and treated. Again, preferably purchase organice meat from a local farm. Do the research in your area and be mindful of the meat you are consuming and where it comes from. 

4. Clean Your Beauty Routine

It is not only in the food that we consume that we find unwanted and harmful ingredients. Our beauty products are filled with chemicals that are harmful to your bodies. Sure the products look pretty and smell good but it is not what nature intended. Harmful ingredients can be found in shampoo, conditioner, lotions, deodorant and make up, to name a few. If you do your research there are many products sold at major stores that claim to be clean, still check the ingredients.

Here are the harmful ingredients to avoid:


1,4 Dioxane

Butylated Compounds




Artificial colors

This is not an exhaustive list but these are the major culprits.

Most major stores have a section for clean products such as Native, Toms of Maine and Burts Bee’s. You will pay more but it is well worth it.

It is also well worth the effort to make your own beauty and skin care products using simple ingredients such as coconut oil, essential oils, sugar and salt.

The internet has no shortage of resources to create your own beauty supplies.

If you choose to purchase beauty supplies I have found that Beauty Counter has a clean line of products that I love!

It may seem overwhelming to start to live clean, but it is simple. The first step is to be aware, read your labels and do your research.

Do a simple google search for the best clean products that explain every ingredient and why they are used. Don’t trust labels but learn for yourself what the ingredients are.

Remove what is causing harm and replace with highly nutritional and beneficial products and food. Simple as that!

Happy Clean Living!


The Breathing Mama

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