Letting Go

As I sit in my quiet time this morning, I am seeing a theme of letting go. With the demands of the day laid before me, my heart troubled by multiple things, my worries trying to grab hold and my mind full of questions, I am reminded of the verse in Hebrews 4:16:

“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”

What a precious reminder that we are not in this alone. We serve a God who cares deeply for us. He cares about the mundane details of our everyday life while simultaneously holding our future in His hands. Focus on the words “gracious God”. How does this resonate with you? Gracious means to “favor” to “show kindness” to “be compassionate”. We don’t serve a God who expects us to be perfect to approach His throne of grace. We come to Him just how we are and when we do, he lifts our burdens and gives us peace. Some of us need His grace today. 

Coming from someone who likes to be in control it is difficult for me to let things go. I desire to know the outcome and be the one making the big decisions.  I have learned over these 41 years of life that I do not know best, I don’t see the whole picture…ever…and God knows infinitely more than I do about a given situation. If it doesn’t make sense to me, I can trust that it makes sense to God. Knowing this I can hand over my worries and rest knowing that He’s got it.

I have seen this in my life. I have multiple stories of surrendering my confusing circumstances and after allowing God to work in those situations He has blessed me more than I could have ever thought or imagined. His way is truly perfect. 

This takes practice but in times when I do truly let to the peace is unsurpassable. I can truly rest in Jesus and take a deep breath. 

So, what is heavy on your heart today? Are you intimidated to approach the throne because you don’t have it all together? Are you afraid of what might happen if you truly let go?

Give it a try. Surrender your burdens. Give the Lord your fears, plans, worries and burdens. Know that He longs to take them from you know matter where you are in life or what you have done or even where your heart is. Allow God to take your burdens and give you an abundant dose of grace along with it. 

We have a loving and gracious God just waiting to help us. Let’s allow Him to take it all.


I Don’t Know What To Do


Sit Still